The construction of your home starts with an evaluation of your property and how your home is suited for its location. Understanding your lot’s conditions and characteristics are vital to the construction of your home. We look at the topography of the lot, and if possible, will shoot grade with a laser level (heavily wooded lots can pose a challenge). We will gather information about access to water, electricity, gas and sewage. We’ll look for your build lines, easements and even fault lines on your property survey. We will identify what trees may need to be removed and which ones you want to keep. Ultimately the soil characteristics specific to your lot will determine the foundation for your home. We gather this information from the geoscience engineered soil test that is specific to your lot.
We will do a free lot evaluation for all interested homeowners. If you haven’t already purchased a lot, please ask to meet with one of our construction professionals to give you an evaluation of lots you may be interested in. Many lots have lower cost because they have issues like substantial slope, flood zones, fault lines and other restrictions that can cost more to correct than purchasing a different lot with a little higher upfront cost.
We specialize in building on your property in the Texas Hill Country. For a lot evaluation please contact our team at 936-446-7072